Compile error in hidden module:  module name

I keep getting this notice, when I open Word 13. Compile error in hidden module: <module name> How do I go about correcting this problem. I have re-downloaded Word and this does not correct the problem. Could you send me step by step instructions on how to correct this problem?

Thank You!

July 4th, 2015 4:23pm


Based on the error message, this behavior occurs because an add-in in one of the startup folders  is not compatible with Word. Please try the workaround:

To identify the add-in that may be causing the behavior, follow these steps:
  1. Quit all Microsoft Office programs, including Word and Microsoft Outlook.
  2. Open the following folder for depending on your version of Word.

    For Microsoft Office Word 2013:    Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\Startup
  3. Move any files that are located in that folder to your desktop.
  4. Open the following folder: Documents and Settings\<var class="sbody-var">username</var>\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\Startup
  5. Move any files that are located in that folder to your desktop.
  6. Restart Word.



George Zhao
TechNet Community Support

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July 6th, 2015 2:22am

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